Thursday, 24 July 2014

Conspiracies & Doubts

Hey guys, so I've been thinking about things.

Over the past couple of months I've been putting things straight in my head and probably coming up with shit. But I hope that there may be a single jewel in that shit.

Ok that's a fucking awful analogy.

What I mean is... Fuck it I'll just tell you what I've been thinking.


So if I'm right it's all connected. Orochi (The Snake), The Sleepers, Morninglight, they're all parts of the same monster tied together with those nut jobs in Egypt and that crazy Roman cult.

Shit I just realised, I don't think I explained the Morninglight connection did I? Or Egypt and Rome?

Ok well it's simple really. You ever heard of Fear Nothing? It's some crazy modern thing going on in Japan. The premise is simple "send us your weak and vulnerable" or something R-Tarded like that.

Fear Nothing is a front for Morninglight, and through this front they get into the heads of Japan's youths and get them worshiping the Sleapers. Only it's not worshiping, it's some crazy guided meditation where they eat flies and shit like that.

So Fear Nothing; fucking Elder God worshippers which in turn is actually Morninglight, ergo Morninglight are Sleeper Slaves of something equally fucked up.

Then we have Egypt and the fucking Atenists or whatever they were called. The followers of the Black Sun. Ever seen their symbol? Hold on a second.

See! It's a Sun with it's light coming down, or some shit like that, now let's have a look at the Morninglight logo

Do you see! It's like an upside down version of the symbol of Aten! With pillars... Or something...

Ok well anyway... We know that Morninglight is tied in with the Filth, I've seen it myself and just go to Egypt and see the Atenists cults for yourself. I mean fuck! Those dudes brain wash people by feeding them Filth tainted fruit!

Then there's that Roman shit we encountered; Deus Sol Invictus or The Unconquered Sun, starting to sound familiar? We know that the Romans traded with the Egyptians, is it so hard to believe that they traded in nut job beliefs as well?

Ok I'm getting ahead of myself.

My point is, we're surrounded, everywhere we go we have these Filth Fuckers just longing to see the world go black and sticky and we're trying to put it together, to chop off all the heads of the snake at once, but it's fucking hard work!

And that's why we need you.

Keep an eye out, watch for activity and let us know!

Likewise there's the other side too.

Fuck... I mean I have no fucking choice in all this shit! I'm on this road and I don't think I can turn off.

There's two possibilities I see, either this is all real, all true and I've spent the past year or so swimming down a Filth filled rabbit hole.

Or, it's not real.

If that's the case then what is it? Am I running around slaughtering innocents thinking they're Zed Heads? Am I actually America's Most Wanted?

Or am I actually strapped to a bead somewhere dribbling into my own feeding tube having vivid madness induced hallucinations of miraculous adventures?

I mean shit, I think about the latter and how much sense it would all make, about how the death of a loved one would send me into a catatonic insane spiral, how I was picked up by The Company, only the boys in Blue Jackets are actually wearing White. The drugs I thought were making me into a super human were actually affecting my serotonin levels with everything else being my mind trying to make sense of a sane world from the eyes of an insane mind.

But I can't think like that, it's a downward spiral from which there really is no escape.

No, this is real. This must be real.

This. Is. All. Real.

Thursday, 10 July 2014



So I guess we're back here again?

You know I'm [CENSORED] [CENSORED] off about all this Q&A [CENSORED]!

So you want to hear about The Veil? Sure why the [CENSORED] not!

Ok, well back in Surrey I met this dude, went by the name [REDACTED] he told me all about this thing called The Veil, told me it was well known and published in plain sight.

Turns out that dude was right!

Ever read anything by the games company White Wolf? I'm telling you, they know more than they're letting on...


You're [CENSORED] kidding me? They're one of ours?


Well I didn't know that! [CENSORED] me!

Anyway, the Veil is some sort of defence mechanism. It ain't supernatural in nature, it's just about being human.

You see, when a person sees a big [CENSORED] off monster, their brain can't cope with it. Every part of their rational self is telling them that monsters aren't real, but their eyes are telling them it's right there, and their flight n fight self is telling them to get the [CENSORED] outta there!

So what happens? They deal with the situation; either they run away, they fight their way out, or they die. But once it's over, how do they reconcile their lives with what has happened?

This is where The Veil comes in.

It drops over their eyes, obscures their vision and reminds them that everything is fine, and that humans still are top of the food chain.

It's quite simple really, a little justification here, a little denial there, next thing you know the eight foot tall werewolf is now a large timberwolf, while the vampire that ate their friends was instead a crazed druggy or something.


I guess you're right. People don't want to know about the world beyond the normal world.


Well yes, but I think calling it 'The Secret World' sounds [CENSORED] tacky! Like something you'd name a video game, why not call it 'The World of SupernaturalCraft' or some [CENSORED] like that?


I don't know why us 'Bees' arnt affected by it, I mean maybe the very process of finding out what our 'Bee' powers are desensitises us to the whole thing? That being able to read Demonic, while being shot in the head and living, maybe after all that finding out Zeds and Ghouls are real ain't such a brain twister.

>>>>>>END FILE

Wednesday, 9 July 2014




Sorry if this comes across poorly, but I'm trying to maximise my encryption system. It's taking a lot of juice so I don't know how long this will work for.

Yeah, so yesterday I mentioned The Snake and the eight heads right?


...wait! What was that?
Ok I think we're in the clear.

Yeah so I gotta get this shit off my chest.

You remember about nine months ago when I started these messages? Trying to get the truth out there?

Well I had just done some messed up shit! I mean fuck! It was crazy!

The fire team and I, we'd been inside the earth itself where we found something that even now we can't really explain other than some sort of Lovecraftian horror.

Well we found out that there were more, one of them was being hunted by Tyler Freeborn and the dude found it! He found it! Either that or it found him.

But yeah, so it turns out there are eight in total, I don't know what to call them, I've heard whispers of sleepers, or dreamers, but honestly I have no idea what they are other than they are somehow tied to the Filth.

But that's the thing! There's Eight of them!

This is what I was getting at yesterday!

I know The Snake is involved somehow, and I can only assume this is the connection.

The Snake gets it's name from a Japanese legend of old of some dude who killed a giant snake called "Yamata no Orochi".

Yeah, you see why I call the The Snake now? Yes I know that's art of a video game but it's the best I can find!

Anyway, so according to legend some super Japanese deity dude tried to save the world from this giant evil multi headed snake. He did so by getting the snake drunk and then chopping off it's heads.

If The Snake is the company, and the Sleepers are it's heads then this means they must be working together, maybe The Snake is even controlled by the Sleepers.

Fuck, I don't know!

Then there's the subsidiary companies:

Once again, right subsidiaries.

Maybe these are the eight heads you ask? Absolutely not!

You see the legend of the big snake didn't end with that dude just chopping off it's heads, no he went to the snake's tail where it had eight tails!

Eight tails, eight subsidiaries?

He then proceeded to cut off each tail one at a time until he got to the middle tail where his sword broke.

Tearing open the last tail he found inside an amazing sword called the Kusanagi.

What if we're looking at the same shit going on here? I mean we know that Manticore make weapons, and a shit tonne of them as well.

According to legend that Japanese dude took the Kusanagi and gave it to some goddess as penance for some bad stuff he did, what if this is what we are looking at here? What if someone somewhere is trying to use The Snake, heads and all and trying to pay penance for something?

What about destiny or providence? What if actually this is some messed up prophecy and WE are that Japanese dude, we have to chop off The Snake's head and offer a hidden weapon up as penance to Ghia for polluting her water or some shit like that.

Fuck the hippies would love it if that was true.

Ok I know that doesn't make sense, and I know I'm just seeing patterns where there probably aren't...

I mean fuck! Look at subsidiary 6! Faust Capital! Now could that be run by the demons trying to get a foot hold?

I don't know how many of these lines are random coincidence and how many are actual connections, but I'm calling it as I see it, there's shit going on out here and things are starting to add up, I'm just worried that I'm taking two plus two and making twenty two!


Monday, 7 July 2014

Some much needed R&R


Yo dudes!

So I need to fill you in on a thing or two:

For the past few weeks me and the rest of the fire team have been in Tokyo trying to save the world from some deep shit.

You remember than announcement a while ago about ash clouds over Tokyo that stopped any media coverage? Yeah, that was a lie.

There was no fucking ash cloud, only Filth, Filth and more fucking Filth!

Why am I telling you this? It's simple really; media flooding!

It's the company's new tactic and I would be lying if I didn't take a partial credit for it.

Yeah, I suggested it to my handler, she passed it to the big boys and now this is our new way of handling media releases.

The idea is simple, you flood the public with information; twitter, Facebook, fuck it! Even Beebo and MySpace! You get the information out there through all manner of media, all the while sending out counter information and some that's just bat-shit crazy! What happens is that you end up with three types of an audience, those who dismiss -the truth- as nonsense, those who are crazy and believe everything even the nonsense, and then you have those like you, those who see through the jumble and realise that not only is there a world beyond the veil, but that you all have a role to play in it.

It's a win-win scenario, and from what I hear from my handler; the brass love it!


So yeah, here we are me and the super dudes I really hate that name kicking it in Tokyo, and let me tell you, the media blackout has a lot to be desired.

Over the past few weeks things have been quiet, we've been holed up in a rather swanky hotel as the lab boys back home did some data analysis for us in order to track down someone.

Well last Friday they found him, he was hiding away in a pretty shitty part of town trying to Home Alone us with marbles and swinging cans of paint. I tell you, it's a good job that kid didn't open the door properly or I would have kicked the crap into that guy! Fear Nothing or not, you don't fuck with a dude via spud-gun!


Anyway, so after dealing with little ghost girls; who from this point on will be referred to as Fucking Bitches, and far more demons than I care to think about, we decided to have some R&R, we upgraded our hotel room to include a jacuzzi and with a bit if wifi work retuned the smart-TV to accept some internet TV. Seriously, they have smart TVs but they block out international programming! What the fuck is up with that? You know what? Things are pretty sweet! I mean from up here you can see halfway over Tokyo and if you ignore the Filth Growth that seems to be sprouting everywhere it's a petty magical sight.

Those tuning in from before may be interested in the fallout from my last proper transmission.

Well, things are good. I'm still waiting to have 'the conversation' but I'm feeling pretty confident.

I know it's pretty silly talking about this like this, as I know you'll read this, but there are something's that I struggle with in person, you know?

I know how silly that is. But yeah, I guess I'm in this for the long haul, and I just kinda need to know if you are too, because at this point as hard as it might be, I can still keep things business.

Anyway, shit! I don't know what I'm talking about half the time! My brain is a fucking mess!

I still keep going back to Tyler Freeborn and all that shit he was caught up in. Now that's come to Tokyo and who knows what's going to happen from there?

I mean we get Fear Nothing's involvement in all this, harbingers of the apocalypse and all that shit, right hand of the devil.

Fuck! I mean they have chapters everywhere! I mean everywhere! I've even heard down the line that they've started knocking on doors down our streets! Asking people to seek enlightenment and shit like that!

Come on! If it can happen in Tokyo then it can happen everywhere! London, New York! Fuck probably even Seoul!

It's not hard to see the connections, I mean look at the bigger picture; Tokyo the world's technological power house! You really think The Snake doesn't have it's drone eyes all over the city? Of course it does! But despite all of that they still got the bomb to ground zero!

Now tell me how that is possible? I mean they have technology that makes that of The Company look like the Stone Age! The only viable way I can see is if they were in on it.


So yesterday the Super Dudes and I had a chat, you want to know what I think?

Well you're still reading so I'm going to assume that you do.

The Snake has a vested interest in all of this. I don't know what yet, but I see a few possible reasons.

Let's see; what was it?

Ok so there's the whole Hero thing, right?

I mean, maybe they want to let the shit hit the fan so that they could swan in and clean it up, leaving the rest of the world to gaze on in awe at how amazing The Snake is.

Then there's profit.

So the bomb goes off, and bam out comes The Snake with new fangled tech to either immunise or protect against the creeping Filth, of course they are the only ones who have this tech and so BAM! If you want to use that tech you have to pay their asking price.

I mean shit! We've seen their defence towers, what if they have some sort of prototype that actually kills off the Filth at the molecular level? They could build ones as big as skyscrapers and then every country in the would would buy them by the dozen! They could go from being just A Company to overtaking The Company is global domination!

Then there's the other side of it.

It's like that shit we saw in Egypt, mind controlled people being used as pawns of some ancient evil.

I mean what if that's also what's going on? What if... Holy fuck!

The Eight Sleepers...
...Eight Heads

Well... Fuck....

Friday, 13 June 2014





So you want to hear about the fire team? Well why didn't you say so?

Oh of course, because you never say [CENSORED] in these sessions.

Ok well before I start, how about you tell me why we don't have a better name? I mean [CENSORED]! Fire Team 879 or whatever piece of [CENSORED] designation we have, is a really boring name! Why not The A-Team?


Omega Force?


Ok, how about The Freedom Phalanx?

Oh come on! Anything's better than our designation! I'd even take The [CENSORED] Superdudes!

No! I can see that look in your eyes! Don't you [CENSORED] think of using that piece of [CENSORED] name!

[CENSORED]! [REDACTED] is going to kill me!

Ok well there's me, your loveable geek, I guess I play the role of the hacker; only with less rollerblades.

No? Ok maybe that film was before your time.

How old are you anyway? I can never tell with you suit dudes.

Ok, so I can hack nearly anything, it's a gift I've always had and something that has helped me get by.

Of course it doesn't end there, I can also read Demonic.

[LAUGHTER] It's funny really, to me it's like reading code, I can almost feel the same parts of my brain flairing up and quietening down, like whatever number the combo of bees and whatever [CENSORED]-job you did on my brain managed to rewire my [CENSORED] so I can read certain coding.

Anyway, I guess I'm just a troubled soul who's intentions are good, yeah? Is that what you wanted to hear?

Oh yeah, and the box, of course I took the box! I mean I wanted to know what the [CENSORED] was in the box! I'm like Tom Cruise man! You can't give me a box and then expect me not to want to know what's in it!

Wait, that wasn't Tom Cruise? [CENSORED]!

So who's next? Well there's emo boy! You know [REDACTED].

I mean I give him [CENSORED], I mean [CENSORED] before he met me he hadn't heard of Google! Who the [CENSORED] hasn't heard of Google?

But truth be told the kid's alright. I mean better than alright. All day I give him [CENSORED] but despite that I know he has my back.

And he can conjure lightning! And a [CENSORED] hammer! The dude's [CENSORED] Thor man!

I guess I'm a little envious of him, I'm only a few years older, but it's like he's got his whole life ahead of him while in a few months time I'll be turning 30!

[CENSORED] man... Thirty! Where's it all go?

I guess you want to hear about Agent [REDACTED] too?

I guess you could say she's my rock in all this. When everything goes to [CENSORED] she's there to make sure I don't fall over.

[LAUGHS] it's funny really. You know a few weeks into our case we had to cross this bridge over some [CENSORED] up crossing to a lighthouse. And this bridge was high, I mean [CENSORED] [CENSORED] your pants high. As you probably know [REDACTED] had a bit of a fear of heights, so I did the gentlemanly thing, I held her hand and slowly crossed the bridge with her.

[LAUGHS] so there we are, crossing that bridge so high you feel like Michelangelo, you know? Like you're touching the finger of god? And I'm holding [REDACTED]'s hand as we cross the bridge, and suddenly I realise that all my cares are gone.

Seriously how messed up is that? All that [CENSORED] is Surrey, the Zed heads in Kingsmouth... [CENSORED] even the million high plunge below us into certain death. It was just [REDACTED] and I, and you know what? It felt... Right.

I guess that doesn't make much sense.


Well anyway, she has abilities that I've never seen before and conjuring green [CENSORED] ain't the half of it!

You know when [REDACTED] and I are at logged heads, testosterone and other pheromones flying every which way, she has the ability to get under your skin, defuse the situation and make two uncooperative boy-men work as a team! If that's not a super power then I don't know what the [CENSORED] is.

Oh the boxes?

Well they both said they took them. I mean why wouldn't they?

Do I trust them?

What sort of [CENSORED] question is that?

[REDACTED]? Do I trust her? Of course I do!

And Emo boy? I don't know yet.

[CENSORED]! That came out wrong!

I mean he's a great team member don't get me wrong, but he has issues, and I can see how easily it might be for those issues to lead you down the wrong path, you know? Making deals that perhaps you shouldn't?

I guess it takes one to know one...

Huh? Oh no... Nothing relevant...


Wednesday, 11 June 2014

A Declaration of Compromised Principles


Hey guys!

So I'm still here rocking the airwaves! Had some bad signal shit going on but I think I threw The Snake off the trail.

You know. The past few days has really gotten me to thinking about things. About what my life was like before, about where it is now and where it's heading.

Shit; if you had asked me only, what? Six months ago? I'd have told you you'd be crazy. That with everything going on I could be happy. Well... Kinda happy anyway.

It's not rocket science. I have something to live for, something to fight for; hell, something to fucking die for!

But... I don't know. I don't know if there's a future there and I need to find out one way or another...

Fuck fuck fuck! I don't know why I'm saying this. I just have to get my thoughts out into the world, and despite being able to face down a black dog and rip out it 'a throat with my own bare hands, I still can't bring myself to do or say this shit in person.

Look... I don't want to make a scene. I don't want to make anything awkward I just need this information out in the great big wide world.

I know I'll probably be re-assigned by The Company for this. A conflict of interest or some shit and if that happens, I promise I'll fight it with everything I can.

But what's the point in saving the world from evil English dudes, Filth ridden Mummies and Malevolent Vamps if you can't do and say as you want... shit no. As you feel?

So today's transmission goes out to a certain person. You know who you are. I just needed to say...

Fuck no that's not right.


Ok let's keep this simple...

I fucking lo

Monday, 9 June 2014

The Atrocities of Man and Horror


Hey guys!

Guess where I am?

That's right I'm at ground zero! Tokyo!

So The Company have given me permission to talk to you about The Filth, on the one condition that I refer to it as The Filth and not the [REDACTED].

But that's not what I'd like to talk to you about today.

Fuck no!


You know it was only yesterday that Agent I made a comment to me, something along the lines of: remember when we were only hunting zombies?

There was wisdom in his words; wisdom I'm not even sure his jar-head, ex-mil brain could really understand.

You see, the dude was right! When I signed on with The Company I was all about killing Zed Heads! It was cathartic for me!

After that we got thrown into the melting pot of Wendigo, Black Dogs, Demons, Mummies, Cultists, Vampires, Werewolves and of course; The Filth.

Recently however all of this has taken a bit of a sideline.

If our job is hunting evil, we've been dealing less and less with the supernatural world and more with the world of man.


Only last night myself, H and I were checking out this place in Tokyo, a civic centre focussed on helping kids overcome their fears...

The Fear Nothing Foundation they call it, or F N F for short.

I can't go into detail right now, I don't think that they know that we know, and frankly I'd quite like to keep it that way.

But this is what I don't understand.

When monsters do it, it makes sense! It's their nature! They don't know any better! Fuck in the case of Zeds they literally don't know any better!

But when people do it?

Shit! You just don't do that shit to kids!

And who the fuck is this John? I mean where did he %|\]{€*%%%%%~?

There's got to be a better explanation than we're getting? People just don't do this sort of shit!

Or maybe they just do? I don't know<^#~||\\\[*^•¥

Wait, did you hear that?

FUCK! I think this line is com pro&&)(;&]{>>+=


Monday, 19 May 2014

The Monster Next Door


Hey guys!

It's been a quiet few days here in Camden and I'm getting a little tired of all this fucking heat.

So I've been thinking about the job I do.

Well, I guess I should say one of the jobs I do. This job in question is my trouble shooting for The Company.

In the past 18 months or so I have seen a lot of trouble; Zeds, Wendigo, Mummies, Giant Bugs, Ghouls, Mindless Cultists, Vamps, Wolves, fuck! Even fucking super soldiers out of fucking Return to Castle Wolfenstein!

I got thinking; why am I so adept at it?

The average person thinks twice about killing something, very often even in a me versus them situation, but I never have.

You remember when I told you about the Surrey incident? While everyone else was trying to reason with the living dead, trying to see if there was anyone left in the rotting cranium who they could save? Hell by then I had already hacked into a secure firearms stash I knew of and liberated a few fire arms and shotguns and was already taking names like a boss!

I don't know if it was the fact that I had engineered back doors into the Force's security, pulling off the retrieval with my pizzazz, or perhaps the dispatching of those damned Zeds, but something I did attracted the attention of both The Company and the Bees.

Next thing I know my body becomes supercharged with hippy power and retroviruses engineered to make me super efficient at what strangely came naturally to me before.

Shit! I don't question what happened after then, I mean when you've had your metabolism boosted to a degree that you need to drink fizzy drinks to stop you burning out and all the time having a body that a CK model would be envious of... Fuck you just don't question that do you?

But I'm left thinking about what came before all of this...

Yes I built a back door into my Forces' security in the case I needed to, but why?

I mean who in their right mind gets a job with law enforcement and then goes about setting up contingencies in case they need access to fire arms, drugs, equipment and personal records? It's crazy!

Then you have the Surrey incident itself...

Now tell me, if you read in the local paper or saw on the local news about some dude attacking and eating some other dude, what would you think?

A sensible, logical person thinks it's someone junked up on PCP or something similar, they move on to the next news story and their lives is normally no different.

I read that same article, only difference was I was living down the road from where it happened. I had heard that shit go down the night before as it was loud, and I mean fucking loud!

All the same, what did I do? I activates my contingency plan! I went straight for HQ, accessed the gun cache, nabbed me some basic riot gear and ventured back into the madness!

Of course by then what the news was still downplaying as a riot against some youth centre being shut down or what not had turned into a fucking zombie invasion!

The fuckers were everywhere and if it wasn't for my stash I had nabbed there would have been a lot more casualties then there was.

But that doesn't really explain it does it? That doesn't explain why I did any of that shit or why it felt so natural to do so.


Fuck man! I mean I've seen a lot of stuff on TV, those criminal investigation program's where they follow some dude's psych profile to establish their motives and mental state. What if that's what's going on here?

I mean shit! What if the reason I built my contingency plan was because I knew that I needed to be prepared for this sort of crap?

What if I started firing when everyone else was cowering in fear was because I was doing what I was built to do?

What if underneath it all I'm just a stone cold killer? A psychopath willing to do anything and everything to get what I want?

Hell, that sounds to me like the perfect recruit for The Company! Someone who will put a bullet through your eyes just as soon as smile at you...


No that can't be... If it was then how would anyone explain Her... No that can't be it...


I dunno guys, I guess I'm just scared you know? What if the reason I was picked for all of this; be it by The Company or the Bees, is because when you strip away all the pretence I'm actually no different to what I hunt, only I'm more malleable...

Who knows, maybe in years to come someone will have to put an anima bullet through my brain as well...

Still... We'll always have Venice...

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Urban Legends


Hey guys!

Ok so how many of you have heard of Urban Legends?

No not the piece of shit film, the legends themselves?

There are plenty out there:

The woman being chased in her car by someone who she thinks is trying to hurt her, only to find out he was trying to warn her about a dude with an axe hiding in her back seat.

The baby crocodile that was flushed down the toilet and now lives down there growing to a huge size because of all the toxic chemicals.

The phone call threatening the babysitter's life only she finds out that the call came from inside the house.

The old woman who gets her hand licked by her cat during the night, however she goes to the bathroom and finds her cat dead and bloody in the shower, so what was licking her hand?

These are all examples of urban legends and for the most part they are completely false.

I mean just think about it, whenever you hear about them who does the storyteller say it happened to? It's never them! It's never even a close personal friend!

No it's a friend of a friend of a friend of a fucking friend!

Maybe at the most it's 'a room mate my sister once had'. Either way it is not a qualitative source.

Why is this? Well I've already told you. Because it's always bullshit!

And yet despite this we still tell these stories. Why?

One reason might be because of the plausibility.

We hear about a dude with an axe, we think that it's possible that could happen.

We hear about a dude killing a cat and hiding under a bed. Again that's not impossible!

Fuck! Even crocodiles are real, and it wasn't that long ago we were getting all sorts of fucked up reports of two headed sheep out of Chenoble.

Today is the age of the urban legends as these stories replace the ghost stories of old. Rewind a good 30, maybe 50 years ago and everyone had heard of people like MR James. They were the Steven King or even the JK Rowling of their days, but nowerdays all people seem to be interested in are those fucking sparkling shits and the crazy knife dudes.

I won't lie, there are crazy knife dudes out there and on more than one occasion I've had the fortunate task of putting them out of their madness-induced misery but other than the occasional mad doctor and crazy inbred family, these have been few and far between.

What's strange? You investigate the haunted legends; the houses that are crippled by the spirits of the victims of horrible murders and what not, now they very often turn out to be real.

Yeah I know how it sounds, and sure the truth is often twisted a little to make it more entertaining for the audience, but it's there if you look for it.

It's almost ironic really, where we used to tell tales of the aftermath of horrific murders, now we tell tales of the murders themselves.

Maybe there's something to that...

Friday, 9 May 2014

Discussion Point: Lovecraft

>>>>>>>>OPEN CAGE
>>>>>>>>GOOD BOY

Hey guys!

So I wanted to see if I can open a dialogue with you all today around the subject of HP Lovecraft.

So I've seen a lot of strange things, creatures that do appear to be almost fish like in appearance, shit I'm pretty sure their colloquial designation is Deep Ones, just like the sort of shit you wold find in a Lovecraft novel.

So this got me briefly wondering.

They say that Mary Shelly wrote Frankenstein after having a particular vivid dream about some dude struggling with his own homsexual urges.

I'm not sure how much I agree with this theory but it makes me wonder; what is HP Lovecraft was the same? What if he was someone who was touched by the darkness out there and put what he saw down onto paper?

Honestly, I have no idea either way. I know that like the characters in his stories I have been to the mountains of madness and seen all manner of horror there, but as most are aware; correlation does not prove causation.

I mean for all we know Livecraft was the hand, while someone else acted as the voice, telling him what to write.

Fuck, it could just be a massive coincidence!

I know what I would like to think; that he looked into the abyss and he saw the darkness out there. Sure he may have taken a few liberties here and there, but what writer doesn't? And after all, wanting something to be true is a far flung difference from actually being true.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014



iT has coME TO our attenTIon thaT THIS user hAs been ATTEMPTING to unveIL faLse INformaTion re:[ZERO POINT PATHOGEN].

AlL iNFoRmation unveiled THIS wAY is fAlSe.

we are HerE to provIDE the TRuth.


i aM [THE EYE]. YoUR FRiend ComPUteR iN a WORLD of [LIES]


that is ALL.

ANy fURThEr aTTEMpt to rEleASE faLSe INfoRMatIOn will rESULT in IMMEDIATe Q&A investigation.


[THE EYE] wiLL coNTinue To MONitor tHIS FEEd anD ALl viOLATions wILl be rEPORted baCK to [SPECIAL OPERATIONS].

AS a show OF GooDFaiTH plEASe [ACCEPT] thiS GIft:




The Sparkling Supernatural


Hey guys!

I hope you all had a good bank holiday weekend?

I sure as hell did! Spent it running around Transylvania doing my best to translate Romanian to English.

Now keep it in mind that in I follow the immortal words of Bruce Willis:
I only speak two languages; English and Bad English
so trying to decipher old Romanian was not the easiest.

Anyway! It seems like this line is a little more stable than the last one which is good.

So I'd like to break down another wall if I may, reveal the truth and lay it out for all to see.

I am talking in this instance about Vampires.

Modern Hollywood would have you believe that they are all a gusty teenagers who want nothing more than to be loved for their sparkly skin and rainbow coloured ass cheeks!

Let me drop the veil on that one.

For once, none of it is real.

Twilight, Anne Rice, fucking Bram Stoker! It's all romantic shit!

So I've met vampires.

Yeah I know, it makes me sound crazy, but this is fucking real!

I've met them and I have killed them, but let me tell you it was not easy and they were most certainly not looking for love.

It seems there is a hierarchy, something about blood lines where Vamp 1 begat Vamp 2 and so on and so on. With each parenting that happens the potency of the vampire gets weaker, but at the same time the less self control they seem to have.

Modern fiction would have you believe that Vampires can to an extent control their urges, resist the need to feed.

Yes for some of the older vamps who are less generations removed from the progenitor of their species this is true and they can hold back on their need to feed, but this is like saying that I can hold back on my need to eat chocolate. Yes I can but like hell am I going to!

For the younger vampires, those with more diluted blood, the need is much stronger and when presented by a fresh beating human actually need in some cases to be physically restrained to stop themselves chewing down on the body.

Now tell me, just what sort of creature acts this way? Will put their own life and the lives of their entire species at risk just to eat a meal right there and then?

Fuck! Even dogs will move their food away from imminent danger to feed at a safer time and place.

Vampires do not!

Those who are caught up in a blood lust frenzy or are just too young or inexperienced to control themselves will stop at nothing to feed that very moment, even if they are under fire from heavy artillery.

Now tell me, what does that sound like to you?


Yes your average vampire is no more an eloquent gentlemen or Romeo than a disease ridden raccoon is, existing purely for the one function of spreading their virus!

Interesting to note that in both cases we are looking at transmission via bodily fluids.

Shit, I wonder if there's actually a connection here? Could rabies actually be a watered down version of the vampire virus?

What about shape shifters? Werewolves and their kin? Are these the hunky protectors of nature who transform from beast to man in an explosion of rainbow glitter?

Far from it!

As with vampires we are looking at a monster that is created via a virus, once again with the involvement of bodily fluids.

It's all pretty gross really...

In the case of werewolves, there is no will or control, they are as much a beast as their animal cousins. In fact despite killing countless numbers of their kind in the wild, I have only ever seen someone turn into a werewolf after being infected. I have never seen a werewolf turn into a human.

This leads me to think that they can not turn back, that the transformation from human into hulking brute of teeth, claws and fur is a purely one way deal.


Why do these books and films get made, and why are they so popular?

I can see two possibilities.

The first is it is staged propaganda, put out there by the Elder Vampires, or maybe another force all together to try and lull us into a sense of make believe.

Shit, if we all think that vampires are weedy, constipated looking boys then we will not bat an eyelid when some dude approaches us with a set of fangs, as we either dismiss it as someone in fancy dress, or maybe even think we're about to get whisked away on a fairy tale adventure of a lifetime.

Then there's the other possibility.

That we as a species need to feel on top of things. Vampires and Werewolves are both capable of killing us with a great ease. Normal weaponry does a piss poor job of stopping them meaning your average Joe who comes up against one of these monsters is pretty much shit out of luck.

But we don't like that do we? We want to believe that we're invincible and so we surround ourselves with state of the art security systems, sleeping with a Glock point nine five under out pillow telling ourselves that we are the ultimate bad ass!

So what do these stories do? They allow us to sit in our fantasies, pretending at least for the most part that we are invincible and that there is nothing that we can not stop.

We lie to ourselves.

So tell me, what is worse in this situation? The beast who exists to pass on it's virus, or the human who willingly lies to itself about the danger it and it's family is under just to try and retain the delusion of being an apex predator?

Friday, 2 May 2014

Memories of Childhood

Is this coming in?

Yeah I think I can see the bars spiking.

Ok we're good.

So how have you all been?

You know, the other day we were passing through an area of the Solomon Isles in New England that's known by The Company as 'The Savage Coast'.

Stupid name I know, sounds like what you'd call a game in a video game!

Anyway, while passing through I was briefly reminded of the time I spent there before and the nights we stayed in that ageless tree house shrouded in the mist high above the Akab nests.

If you ever get the chance to visit this region and if you can find him I strongly recommend you speak with Mr John Wolf...
...we back? Yeah ok.

Sorry this line doesn't seem very stable.

Now there's many reasons why you should meet this Wolf dude. Least of all is that his voice is like fucking honey! Seriously, I goaded him to keep talking just so I could hear those tones caressing my ears.

Anyway; John will tell you many things, but part of that will be the legends of that tree house in the woods and the kids who built it and to this very day maintain it.

Excuse me.

Well! This got me thinking about my own childhood, the things that as children we swore we saw:

The faefolk who danced at the bottom of the garden.

The monsters under the bed.

The... Fuck what did they call it? The green haired spaghetti monster!

I'm left wondering to myself; what if they were all real?

What if every single shadowed monster that we hid from under the covers was actually a real creature, and it's just the passage of age, or perhaps desensitisation that teaches you they are not real.

What is it they say? Ignorance is bliss?

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Evil's Hierarchy of Needs


Hello? Ok it's working.

Right, so what can I tell you about evil? I mean real-fucking-rip off your head-shit down your neck-evil here.

Well I can tell you that the books and the films got it all wrong.

How often have you read about evil being something demonic or monstrous?

Come on, a show of hands?

Exactly! Every fucking time!

There's a lot of that out there, that's why.

Be it Vamps, Werewolves, Wendigo or Zeds, they're all pretty fucking bad. But are any of them evil?

I guess I should first start by explaining what evil is.

I guess... shit where do I start?

Ok let me try it another way:

A lion kills a gazelle in the wild, is that evil?

A wolf kills a child to feed it's pack. Is that evil?

A man who due to mental illness is unable to tell the difference between fantasy and reality and kills his family thinking them to be twisted monsters. Is that evil?

The answer to all the above is no. Enn fucking Oh!

Evil requires thought, deliberate action and responsibility.

A beast is not evil for fulfilling it's natural instinct and a crazy dude isn't evil when they are devoid of logical thought.

So what is evil? Have I ever seen it?


Have you ever been walking through a busy city, you've been following a map with music blaring in your ears? You turn a corner only to realise that you are not where the map says you should be? The hustle and bustle of the city is gone and all that remains is you, the alleyway and that strange smell you can never place?

Have you ever carried on down that alleyway? Seen where it takes you, or like the millions of others turn about and return to the rat-race?

If you had then you might have found the place I talk of now.

The Modern Prometheus.

Named after the antics of an infamous and fictional scientist this place is no different from a car chop-shop, other than the fact it deals in flesh and bone rather than aluminium and fibreglass.

From within this house of slaughter it's owner slices and cuts to his own agenda being aided by his own nursing staff each of who appears perfectly happy to assist as this barbarian removes organs and skin from decent folk who approached him for genuine medical needs but because of one reason or another; usually insurance, could not afford usual treatment.

So what makes this butcher evil? What sets him apart from the hundreds of wakos and beasts who are either too primal, stupid or insane to no any better?


Let me say that again...


This -man- is fully aware of what he does and why he does it, he is not misguided by imagined gods or driven by an inhuman desire. No he does what he does because he chooses to do it.

Excuse me.

So I'm calling this feed today Evil's Hierarchy of Needs. I'm sure I do not need to explain the pun in the title.

But I'm sure you are wondering what the hierarchy of needs is for evil itself. Just what drives them?

I wish it was simple; a base desire and instinct like hunger or safety, but it is not...

Well, not exactly.

For someone to be evil, to do bad things because they -want- to rather than need to, it requires all the other base needs to be filled.

Without these basic needs fulfilled they are not able to be self aware enough to actually be evil, instead they are just reactionary or insane.

But once these needs are filled, then they can begin their evil requirements.

I mentioned before that it is not hunger, but it does exhibit itself in a similar manner. Evil must indulge itself if able.

No matter the form it takes, a truly evil being must act evil once it is capable of doing so.


How do we go about stopping it?

Well we can shoot it in the head, that always seems to solve most problems.

But does it? Are we curing evil or just wrapping a bullet shaped plaster over it?

In order to cure evil you must first prevent it, not deal with it once it has raised it's fugly head.

My suggestion?

We use it's needs against it.

If a homeless, hungry and sick being can not be evil, then that is where we hit it!

We remove all health care and medical support that we have! We limit everyone to a single low calorie meal a day and we stick them all in housing shelters that provide them with not even the most basic of weather protection!

Before we know it we have eliminated all evil acts from the general populace!

But as with everything there is always a cost. In this case? By becoming evil ourselves...

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Legends Revisited


Hey guys!

Things have been pretty quiet recently haven't they?

Wouldn't you fucking believe it!

So I've been busying myself with my day-job work.

I know, I know! It's fucking boring. But what am I supposed to do when there's shit-all going on?

What about Tokyo? Oh yeah there's Tokyo! And if course the Venice Initiative, but what good is any of that when when you've got a fucking NDA almost literally sewn into your lips?

So what can I talk to you about today?

What about the Zero Point Patho

OK, so we can't talk about that.

Ok ok ok I get it! No talking about that stuff! Fine!

Fucking Q&A!

Well there's always the old legends.

You ever hear about the Norse gods? You know the ones; Odin, Thor and Loki but to name those canonised on the Marvel big screen.

What if I told you that they were real?

Not aliens like in those films but humans like you and I who had been gifted with strange powers.

You know they say that everything is real.

I mean shit! Not everything?

Well no. Not everything.

To the best of our knowledge there's no such thing as Little Green Men. If you spin around fast enough in an anti clockwise direction you can't reverse time and mixing coke with rock poppers doesn't cause your head to fucking explode!

But a lot is true.

The Earth is hollow. There were Egyptians with tech far superior to our own and if you hang around the right sort of bees you can shoot lightning out of your fingers.

It's a simple thing really. When humans don't understand something they brand it as either a fake or as magic. In some cases, maybe a miracle.

That's all we're looking at here. Technology and natural abilities that the human mind can not currently understand.

So what do we do? We tell stories of these technologically advanced beings. We revere them as gods and wielders of power that us mere mortals could never own.

Over a long enough time these dudes stop being gods. They stop being myths and legends and before you know it they're teaming up with a bunch of radioactive jokes and fighting stupid fucking robots!


I mean seriously! How messed up is that?

These were real people with real names, who along with the native and normal people of our lands did both great and terrible things. Now they're Saturday morning cartoons!

I would be lying if I didn't say that I wonder if the same will happen to us. If in generations to come there will be tales of The Three, one who summoned lightning to his bidding, one who conjured ghostly blades and one who babbled demonic cryptics?

Who knows, maybe we'll be remembered like how we see those of the Stone Age, like primates stumbling at the use if tools. We got the right idea, just the finesse missed us by.


That's a depressing thought...

Monday, 13 January 2014

The Hellbook [A Personal Account]


Hey everyone!

So you're back for more?

Well I suppose it's time I explained a few things to you.

You've heard of the reference we've been using for some 'special' operatives, right? Yup, 'Bees'.

So it seems every Bee has special powers, true magic shit. Agent H, she can conjure energy blades out of thin air, and Agent I? His power is that of Electricity.

So what's my power? What do I being to this Avenging X-Men League of Justice?

Well initially I didn't think anything at all. I knew that I was 'immortal' in the whole "Can't Die" sense of the word, and able to traverse the Hollow Earth of Agartha, but other than that I was drawing up a big fat fucking zero!

Seriously, I felt like Nathan for most of the first series of Misfits!

Then we went to Hell...

Now I don't mean 'went to Hell' as in "this town is going to Hell", no as in literally bought a ticket to the plain of fucking fire and brimstone!

But maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. You remember before I was talking about that Motel and the missing dude? Yeah well this is where we ended up, turns out the dude managed to punch a whole in the fabric of our universe into another.

I know how it sounds, like something out of Event Horizon, but it's true.

So following in his tread we took a trip to the Deep Deep South where we met all manner of foul fucking Demon, but while there I stumbled across something.

Bound in flesh and inked in blood I think would be the traditional description, but nah hits nothing that bad, just a book, the writing within it seemed to be almost burning, little sparks of light across the black ink.

I've come to call it The Hellbook, and scrawled within in a long lost demonic language is more than I can possibly imagine.

Seriously, I've been able to decipher about one tenth of this book, the rest alludes me.

What I have been able to read are incredible spells, actual rites that tap into the very power of blood itself.

I know some reading this might be put off, maybe even scared for me, but it turns out that this is my power! After so many failed attempts to bend spoons with my mind, my power is actually that of demonic rites!

You see the first thing I did was write down the spells I found and what they did; the ability to heal almost any wound, or boiling the blood of your enemy into dust.

I showed these notes to Agent H, but all she saw was nonsense squiggles that resembled cacti and upside down Ys. I didn't get it before, I even tried explaining the words to her, but she told me that all I said was a garbled mix of English and the hell-speak we had from the Demons.

So that was my power right there.

I didn't know the full extent of it, and fuck me even now I still don't, but it's getting better, with every day more and more of the book is being translated right before my eyes!

Shit, I don't know if it's my ability getting stronger that allows me to read more, or if in fact it's the book letting me, but I seem tied, connected to it, and the things I have learned!

Ok I'll have to leave the rest for another time, my connection is super unstable right now, but I'll catch up with you soon.


Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Lost Hours



Shit guys! It's been ages!

So Happy Christmas and New Year to all of you! Have a good one?

Listen, shit is starting to get real!
As in really real!

It's the Company, I wondered about telling you this at risk of my own integrity being compromised, but with holding information is not something I set out to create this blog.

Nope it's full disclosure or nothing at all.

That's why I've been quiet recently, trying to figure out how best to talk about this shit.

So yeah, the Company.

Fuck, it turns out they've been following this blog and after a rather painful experience in Q&A decided they wanted to let me keep this blog going, that they would turn a blind eye on the condition that I alerted them to anyone who would be of use to them.

Fuck... This sounds like a major confession in my head.

Anyway, to those of you who have been seeking knowledge, your identity is safe. The same protection I have running to keep the Orochi scanners off my ass also protect your information from me. So I will not know about you unless you want me to.

So yeah, that's pretty much it.

Oh shit, and of course the reason they want me to send out this transmiss[COUGH] transmission.

You see, they are tired with my narrative take on what happened, the events and people.
They'd rather instead I cover case studies, or recount specific events in detail rather than a general over view.

Something along the lines of "Putting more eyes out there". They think that if I stick to the more relevant facts and figures, then that info will sink in more, people will be more aware, and the more aware you all are, the more useful you'll all be to them.

That's what KG my handler said anyway.

Personally I think she likes reading the streams and is bored reading info that she's already read over in my reports.

So yeah .

I can't say I agree with the move, I think when you remove the connections between the facts and figures they loose their relevance, but I've been told to jump, and it's either that it I join Agent H in writing indepth reports on Venice, and trust me, you don't want to do that.

[COUGH] [COUGH] excuse me, I've got a bit of a cold.

Again, I'm sorry for any deception, but trust me, you are safe with me, and together we will fini